1-DRY BEANS (Stew with Meat-Etli Kuru Fasulye)

 It is cooked in all regions of Turkey, particularly in winter. If no fresh meat is available, dried meat is used. In some regions it is prepared without meat and it can also be cooked by replacing the meat with finely choped tripe or with "pastırma". It is served with bulgur pilaf and vegetable salad.


This is one of the oldest dishes of Turkish Cuisine which originated from a far away place in Central Asia. It is favored and well-known among the Turks all over the world.


Baklava is one of the traditional desserts which is best known and made in all regions. The type which is prepared with a very thick syrup and keeps for a long time is known as "Dry Baklava" (Kuru Baklava).

(Lamb Kebab on Iron Plate - Saç Kavurması )

It is mostly prepared at picnics or special days such as making a sacrifice or promise, out of doors and over a charcoal fire.
*** In the rural areas it is also eaten by rolling into yufka (thin pre-baked pastry). In the southern provinces goat meat is used instead of lamb. ***

It is one of the oldest and most traditional desserts of the Turkish cuisine. The month following the Feast of Sacrifice is known as the Aşure month.
*** Plenty of aşure is cooked in every household during it which is both served to the guests and distributed to the neighbours and relatives. ***


Turkish coffee is made of finely pulverized roasted coffee beans.
*** Roasting duration differ according to taste. Coffee is sold etiher as green, or roasted beans or in pulverized form in small shops called "Kuru Yemişçi" which means a person who sells all kinds of nuts. *** Turkish coffee is prepared in 4 ways. "Az Şekerli" means coffee has little sugar about 1/2 teaspon. "Orta Şekerli" means coffee has standart amount of sugar 1 teaspoon. "Çok Şekerli" means coffee has more sugar than enough which is 1 1/2 teaspoons. *** "Sade Kahve" means black coffee, without sugar. Turkish coffee is served in demitasses made of porcelain. ***


While both Chinese and Indians claim that they first discovered the use and drink of Tea thousands of years ago, Turks evolved their own way of making and drinking the black tea (Çay in Turkish ), which became a way of life for our culture. Wherever you go in Turkey, tea or coffee will be offered as a sign of friendship and hospitality, anywhere and any time, before or after any meal.

Boza (Fermented Bulgur Refreshment) Instead of bulgur, it can be prepared with millet or barley or a millet and bulgur combination. A traditional refreshment, with a history which goes back to very early times.


It is a very popular drink all over the country. It is served with kebabs, köftes, meat dishes and pilafs as a beverage or it is just served as a refreshment during summer rnonths.
*** Amount of yogurt can be reduced to 1/3 cup per person for a thinner consistency. Only milk, or only, water can be used as liquid. It should always be served cold. ***

Salep is a pleasant winter drink. People go to "Salep Shops" or any "Coffe Shop" or "Pastry Shop" to drink "Hot Salep" on cold winter nihgts.
*** Since it gets lumpy while adding milk to salep-sugar mixture one should be careful and patient to add milk gradually. Amount of sugar may be decreased. ***

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